Fresh water,
desalinated offshore
with zero emissions

The future of seawater desalination.
We use wave power to make sustainable and affordable water for coastal communities and businesses.
Free of emissions.


There are nearly 1.5 billion people – including 450 million children – living in areas of high or extremely high water vulnerability.

Our solution

Our offshore desalination solution allows for affordable and sustainable fresh water production to benefit people and industry in water stressed areas.

The team

A dedicated team addressing one of the world's greatest challenges in the years to come.

Sample image of running water
Illustration Ocean Oasis clean water facility offshore
Photo of Ocean Oasis team
Sample image of running water


There are nearly 1.5 billion people – including 450 million children – living in areas of high or extremely high water vulnerability.

Illustration Ocean Oasis clean water facility offshore

Our solution

Our offshore desalination solution allows for affordable and sustainable fresh water production to benefit people and industry in water stressed areas.

Photo of Ocean Oasis team

The team

A dedicated team addressing one of the world's greatest challenges in the years to come.